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Selectmen Minutes 12/02/2005
Chichester Board of Selectmen
December 2, 2005

Present:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery, Selectman Colbert and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.  Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 12:00PM

SUBJECT: Highway Department’s 2005 Budget

HIGHLIGHTS:  Chairman DeBold stated that the Highway Department had a serious issue with their 2005 Budget.  Chairman DeBold stated that the Highway Department approved Budget for 2005 was $336,954.00, as of December 7, 2005 the Highway’s Budget is $341,973.00 putting the Highway’s bottom line Budget over by $5,019.00. The payroll line is over by $8,247.00.  The Board of Selectmen felt that this issue should be discussed immediately.    The Road Agent, Mr. David Kenneally explained to the Board of Selectmen that the reason for this is because of two Federal Emergency Management Agency (“FEMA”) declared emergencies.  The FEMA declared emergency that occurred in January was the tremendous amount of snow that fell.  FEMA reimbursed the Town $7,644.31.  The second FEMA declared emergency was the flooding in October.  

Selectman MacCleery asked Mr. Kenneally if he had kept records of how much labor and materials were used for the flooding.  Mr. Kenneally stated that he had kept a log and would give the Board of Selectmen a copy.  FEMA had sent an “exit interview memorandum of record” and the estimated cost for the flood is $30,167.87.  Of that amount FEMA will reimburse the Town 75%.  The State will reimburse the Town 15% of what is left after FEMA’s 75% payment.  Mr. Kenneally stated that in the winter storm FEMA would only pay for over-time labor, but the October flood, FEMA will cover all labor costs.

Selectman Colbert told Mr. Kenneally that there is still three to four weeks left in the year and he would have to tighten his budget.  He stated that he remembered Mr. Kenneally stating in a previous meeting that the money that was spent for CDL Engineering ($19,000.00+) for Webster Mills Bridge he could “eat”.  Mr. Kenneally agreed that he had said that, but he also stated that he advised the Board of Selectmen that he would be out of money by Thanksgiving.  Selectman Colbert said he would be willing to find $20,000.00 for the Highway Department to cover the cost of the flooding in October.  Selectman Colbert’s stated that in his opinion, Mr. Kenneally should send everybody home; Mr. Kenneally can still work his 40 hours.  Selectman Colbert advised that Mr. Kenneally only plow or sand roads and answer emergency calls.  He advised Mr. Kenneally not to do any road maintenance.  Selectman Colbert stated that it was easy to explain why some of his line budget went over, but finds it hard to explain overage on the salary line.

Selectman MacCleery stated that the Highway’s salary budget line was full-time for Mr. Kenneally with $5,000.00 for over-time and the rest of the money allowance was for part-time help.  Mr. Kenneally stated that it was hard to figure out over-time.   Selectman MacCleery stated that when Mr. Kenneally saw he was getting close on his salary line he should have pulled back, and communicate with the Board of Selectmen.

Mr. Kenneally asked the Board of Selectmen if he could start stripping the truck he received from the Fire Department.  He said it would cost approximately $3,500.00 to take the truck apart.  The answer was no.  There is no money in the Highway Department.  Selectman MacCleery stated that this truck was supposed to be used for back up purposes.  He asked Mr. Kenneally if this truck was going to be set up as new.  Mr. Kenneally stated that it was not, that he would purchase used parts, such as the plow.  Mr. Kenneally stated that he did not know how long the labor would be to take the truck apart.

The instructions from the Selectmen to Mr. Kenneally were:

¨       Send part-time help home; if he would like to split his 40 hours with Carol Raymond that was fine;
¨       Subcontractors on call basis only; and
¨       Mr. Kenneally should be working in his office and not on the roads unless there is a call out emergency, however, public safety is paramount and must always take precedent .

Highway Department 2006 Budget was discussed.

Selectman Colbert stated that he heard a rumor that Mr. Kenneally had a second budget other than the one he turned in.  He advised Mr. Kenneally that if he has an alternative budget that he should be upfront with the Board of Selectmen and the Budget Committee.  Selectman MacCleery asked if the other budget was a 3% increase over last year’s budget.  Mr. Kenneally stated that he has numbers, but not for the entire budget.

In reference to the “Contracted Services” line in his proposed budget, Selectman MacCleery asked Mr. Kenneally to be more specific and provide more details.   Chairman DeBold reiterated that the Board of Selectmen and Budget Committee are looking for more details on Mr. Kenneally’s entire proposed budget. Selectman MacCleery stated that a lot of ditching was done in 2003 and 2004 he wanted to know how much more is needed.  Mr. Kenneally stated that he would prepare explanations.  The Board of Selectmen thanked Mr. Kenneally for meeting with them.

SUBJECT: General Business

HIGHLIGHTS:  Selectman MacCleery stated that he received a telephone call regarding an individual living in a camper behind Goose Bay Lumber.  It was decided by the Board of Selectmen that Chairman DeBold would speak personally to the owner of Goose Bay Lumber.

Being no further business, Chairman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 1:15pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery  

David Colbert